Weekly Reflection

This week was great at school. We finished up the Tomie dePaola author study that I started 3 weeks ago. It’s nice to feel a sense of accomplishment about something. We had a really fun celebration with Tomie’s The Popcorn Book with a popcorn taste testing on Friday. It was great closure, and then kids really loved it.

Friday was also a field trip day in the morning. We went to the Morehead Planetarium and watched a really cool Magic Treehouse show on the ceiling of the planetarium. It was interesting to see how the kids acted outside of school. My teacher was very explicit about expectations while on the field trip, and it was obvious that this was the reason why our kids were very well behaved, more so than other classes. She has been teaching for a long time, so she also knew certain situations that would come up during the field trip, and talked about them with our class before we even went. She thoroughly prepared them for the field trip by talking talking talking about what we’d be doing, what the day would look and sound like, and what they needed to do to be successful. It was a great experience for me, because I saw how I would need to prepare my kids for a field trip. It was awesome to see how much of an impact her talking and planning with the kids had on the way they acted at the field trip.

We had a really fun “debriefing” session after the field trip, and I was so excited to find that they really brought a lot back from the field trip and learned a lot. It was also good to clear up some misconceptions that they had after watching the planetarium show. Overall, it was really fun and the kids learned a lot so it was a success!

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